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The Beautysil Difference

Jarrow Formulas BeautySil Hair & Nails formula specifically focuses on 3 nutrients proven to beautify and strengthen hair and nails - biotin + Activated Silicon from JarroSil + bioavailable sulfur from MSM - to provide benefits that go beyond conventional multi-vitamin / mineral supplements.*

Jarrow Formulas BeautySil Hair & Nails Benefits Include:

  • √? Stronger Hair Shafts
  • √? Less Split Ends
  • √? Hair Growth
  • √? Stronger, Less Brittle Nails
  • √? Less Split Nails
  • √? Nail Growth

Jarrow Formulas BeautySil Hair & Nails is a synergistic formulation of Biotin, JarroSil, and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) sulfur. Biotin is essential for normal hair growth and is associated with nail health. MSM is an organic source of bioavailable sulfur. Sulfur-containing compounds are found in high concentrations in keratin and collagen. Keratin, the key structural co髮旺旺mponent of the hair & nails, gets much of its strength and stability from sulfur-based "bridges." Silicon, likewise, is needed for the health of the hair & nails. It is a major mineral component of the nails and contributes to hair shaft strength and hair shine and luster. JarroSil is patented Activated Silicon supplying stabilized molecular clusters of silicic acid. JarroSil Activated?Silicon contributes bioavailable silicon for the formation of keratin and the support and repair of the hair & nails.

Jarrow Formulas, BeautySil頭髮&指甲,60片




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