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  • Respiratory Support
  • All-Seasn Immune Support
  • Horeseradish, GarlicRich, Vitamin C & Echinamide Echinacea
  • Non GMO
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed
  • Isura
  • Non-GMO
  • Mass Spec
  • Documentation√
  • Lab Tested√
Fresh, raw ingredients from our farms make this bioenergetic formula the "Seed of Nutrition"

髮旺旺Feel the Difference

Imagine getting the benefits of a whole growing season in one tabl維霖診所曹院長et.

The 100% organic?, non-GMO nutrient-rich plants grown on Natural Factors farms髮旺旺 are harvested at their peak and immediately raw processed at our own facilities, using our proprietary EnviroSimplex method to retain the vital bioenergetic vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, and antioxidants.

We ensure the processing temperature always stay below 118oF. The end result is raw nutrition from whole plants, capturing all the vibrant energy and goodness of nature.

Even when you grow certified organic non-GMO plants, it's important to verify that there are no GMOs or other contaminants present. We excel at making sure that every possible test has been conducted to ensure you receive the safest, most beneficial product possible.

Pure Food Nutrie床的世界nt-Rich 100% Made, Packaged, and Tested in USA and Canada

At Natural Factors state of the art laboratories, we use "mass spectrometry" to test for over 400 substances. Mass spectrometry can test at the molecular - even atomic - level, detecting environmental pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, as well as heavy metals and other undesirable substances.

A unique combination of vitamin C and six powerful botanicals including horseradish, organic Echinamide Echinacea, and Farm Fresh Factors - a blend of earth and sea vegetables, cruciferous sprouts, fruits, and herbals. This all-season immune formula offers support for healthy respiratory tract function and overall good health. Each tablet is enteric coated to prevent irritation of the stomach.

?Certified by Pacific Agricultural Certification Society

Natural Factors, 全球&海洋,純食品山葵,60腸溶衣片





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