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如果你還在考慮MuscleMeds, 肉食動物質量,草莓味,5.95磅(2,698克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Anabolic Beef Protein Gainer
  • Hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate
  • High Impact Reactive Carbs
  • Insulin Amplification and Signaling
  • Loaded with Creatine and BCAAs
  • iSpike
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Naturally and Artificially Flavored
  • Sugar Free
  • Cholesterol Free
  • Lactose Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Only 2 Grams Fat
  • 50 Grams Protein!
The World's First Highly Anabolic All Beef Mass Builder!

Welcome to a New Era in Mass Building Supplementation with Carnivor Mass - The first, clean and highly anabolic mass gainer!

The days of loading your body with empty fat storing calories are over. Calories don't stimulate muscle growth, anabolism does! High-speed macronutrient delivery with near-perfect insulin optimization sets Carnivor Mass apart from all others. Research shows that fast proteins combined with elevated insulin enhance muscle anabolism (growth) when combined with resistance training. Carnivor Mass makes this possible with MuscleMeds world famous Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) acting in combination with iSpike, a dual insulin release/insulin signal amplifying technology not found in any other supplement.

髮旺旺Beef Protein Isolate: Beef has proven itself as a favorite anabolic protein source for m髮旺旺床的世界any champion bodybuilders. MuscleMeds髮旺旺 advanced hydrolyzed Beef Protein Isolate is capable of delivering rapid absorption of high concentrations of amino acids. Carnivor Mass provides the mass building benefits of beef "at the speed of whey," without the lactose, fat, cholesterol, and other problems associated with dairy products. MuscleMeds BPI is 350% more concentrated in amino acids than steak and more concentrated than whey. And it's enhanced with 5 grams of creatine and additional BCAAs for even greater anabolic power!

iSpike is an exclusive MuscleMeds technology designed to harness the full anabolic impact of insulin. Using fast-acting, reactive-enhanced microparticulated carbs and the novel insulin potentiators Chromium 454 (Cr454) and D-pinitol (a cyclitol), iSpike causes a rapid elevation in insulin while simultaneously amplifying insulin signaling at the muscle receptors to potentiate maximum muscle growth, glycogen replenishment and tissue regeneration. iSpike works so fast and is so powerful, it helps stimulate anabolism within 30 minutes of your first delicious serving. This is the desired anabolic effect you want from your mass gainer and it can only be achieved with Carnivor Mass... the new breed mass builder from Muscle Meds.

MuscleMeds, 肉食動物質量,草莓味,5.95磅(2,698克)







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